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“Power Pollen works for me...has done for over 20 years ... it will work for you too. Comes with a Money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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Luke Bona

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Give It A Go – Power Pollen Introductory Offer – 1 Month Supply for 1 person (60 caps)

(22 customer reviews)

$39.95 NZD

Earn 40 reward points towards a future purchase.

Get sustained, natural energy all day every day for just $1.30 a day!

NatureBee Potentiated Bee Pollen is a 100% natural vegetable food that supports every single aspect of your health and wellbeing. It’s called a superfood with good reason! There’s virtually no other substance on the planet that has as many naturally occurring nutrients. Here’s some of what you can expect with that massive nutritional boost.

Product Benefits:

  • More sustained energy
  • Support for your body’s natural immunity
  • Increased mental alertness
  • Better quality sleep
  • Support for your digestion
  • Improvement in the condition of hair, skin and nails
  • Overall increase in your health and wellbeing
  • Better bio-availability than raw pollen

SKU: NB60INTRO Categories: , ,

NatureBee Potentiated Bee Pollen is a 100% natural vegetable food that supports every single aspect of your health and wellbeing. It’s called a superfood with good reason! There’s virtually no other substance on the planet that has as many naturally occurring nutrients. The benefits of all these nutrients are almost endless.

The first thing you’ll notice is more energy. Not the sort of energy that you get from a caffeine boost or a high sugar fizzy drink, but sustained energy from early in the morning until the end of your busy day.

NatureBee is pure plant pollen collected by the honey bee – the genesis of all plant life. It’s a natural tonic loaded with 27 vitamins and amino acids, 28 minerals and powerful antioxidants. It contains beneficial carbohydrates and fatty acids, enzymes and micro-nutrients that will feed every cell of your body.

NatureBee is better than store-bought raw pollen because of our unique potentiation process that cracks open the tough cell walls of the pollen. This process doesn’t add anything artificial, it simply makes the raw pollen far more digestible (or bio-available)

NatureBee Potentiated Bee Pollen is perfectly balanced by Mother Nature, not made in laboratory, full of dead chemicals mixed with fillers and preservatives. It’s a raw, natural food that will re-energise and rejuvenate your life.

A well-established New Zealand supplier sources all our highest quality pollen from local and offshore apiaries.

With stringent quality control processes in place, all pollen we sell meets the strictest New Zealand food and safety regulatory standards administered by the Minister for Primary Industry. This ensures that the core nutrients and benefits to our customers are never compromised.

Product Benefits:

  • More sustained energy
  • Support for your body’s natural immunity
  • Increased mental alertness
  • Better quality sleep
  • Support for your digestion
  • Improvement in the condition of hair, skin and nails
  • Overall increase in your health and wellbeing
  • Better bio-availability than raw pollen

Dietary Information: Suitable for gluten-free and cow’s milk-free diets


Dietary Information: Suitable for gluten-free and cow’s milk-free diets

<!--Ingredient List Bee Pollen 82% Gelatin (capsule) food stabiliser (470) and anticaking agent (551)-->


By simply taking 2 – 4 NatureBee capsules a day as a supplement to your normal balanced diet, you can be assured of progressing to balanced nutrition for you and your family.

Pollen Sourcing

Customers in Australia will see ‘product of China’ on the label; this is due to New Zealand-sourced pollen being short in supply and used to serve the New Zealand market, while the pollen sourced from Northern China is used in our products elsewhere. Our Australian-marketed products contain high quality bee pollen which is sourced predominantly on the Liaodong Peninsula in the northern part of China.

For New Zealand and United States customers, all bee pollen is sourced in New Zealand and the products are manufactured locally.

Regardless of origin, all our pollen meets the high New Zealand food and safety regulatory standards administered by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). The imported pollen is tested for heavy metals and pesticides by an independent laboratory to assure quality. The pollen we use from both New Zealand and China contains the same core natural nutrients, providing the same benefits to all consumers.


Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. 

Reviews (22)

22 reviews for Give It A Go – Power Pollen Introductory Offer – 1 Month Supply for 1 person (60 caps)

  1. Peter Bourne (verified owner)

    The best thing that I ever had keeps me going all night doing night shift

  2. Rudy (verified owner)

    It took a while but have notice the difference in my energy levels.

  3. Phil (verified owner)

    I have chronic kidney disease and have been taking bee power pollen for a couple of years now.
    It definitely helps with energy levels and has no side effects.

    • Jeff Cook

      Hi Phil
      I am so glad NatureBee works for you
      Best Regards

      Jeff Cook Founder NatureBee

  4. Shane D Burt (verified owner)

    Overall, the health benefits are feeling great. But, why is there only 59 tablets in a bottle, and not the 60 as stated? The 3 bottles I have gone through each had 1 capsule less than the full quota.

    • Jeff Cook

      Hi Shane
      I am glad you are benefiting from NatureBee PowerPollen. I am concerned that you found you were short of 60 caps. We specific 61 caps per bottle to be sure of the quantity. Please let me know the batch number on the bottle and I will investigate with production
      ( e mail me directly Jeff.cook@naturebee.com)
      I will arrange for a note on your file so you can receive a bonus 60 cap bottle with your next order
      Best regards

      Jeff Cook Founder NatureBee

  5. Tas (verified owner)

    Hi Jeff,
    Since I heard Luke on the night shift years ago as I’m a night shift security officer for over 30 years. I’m now 51 and since I started using NB over a few years now I can’t go a day without.. I have got many of my friends on it and it does what it’s meant too. More energy, better sleep, gets me through my nights without feeling tired or sleepy. I just purchased another batch and swear by it. Don’t think about trying it I’m telling you start it today and thank me later…

    • Jeff Cook

      Hi TAS

      Thanks for sharing your experience. I have just been hit with my first bout of COVID. I thank Nature Bee for my quick recovery.I stepped up to 6 capsules a day. It kicked the after covid tiredness, and I am back to normal

      All the best for 2023

      Jeff Cook NatureBee

  6. Noel (verified owner)

    I have been taking Nat-B for 3 years and have good results energy/sleep.
    Ingredient list on the new bottle I received, bee pollen 82% and some lovely anti caking
    agent (551) stabiliser (470).
    All previous bottles I received, bee pollen 100%


    • Jeff Cook

      Hi Noel
      Thank you for being a long term client
      Our Australian supplier uses these excipients in their encapsulating process. Our NZ supplier does not . To be certain of reliable supply we are now sourcing product from both countries. Regardless of where it’s manufactured you are getting the same high quality bee pollen- each capsule contains 500 mg of Potentiated pollen

      Best regards

      Jeff Cook NatureBee

  7. Damien Stevens

    Rightio. Luke from the night shift (tripple m 104.5)
    I’ve heard nothing but good things about this. So here it goes im going to buy some and ill let you know how it goes

  8. Mark Testrow (verified owner)

    Had absolutely no beneficial affect at all.

  9. Tom Rowe (verified owner)

    Total CRAP. I request my money back.

  10. Peter Young (verified owner)

    I have had the one month trial and can honestly say I feel no different,the first two weeks I took one in the morning at 7am and one at 1pm and then started taking two in the morning and two in the afternoon and still felt no different, so maybe it doesn’t help everyone .

  11. Craig (verified owner)

    I bought the one month trial and it had absolutely no effect at all. Even after finishing it, there was no withdrawal or negative feelings. Maybe I’m already on a healthy diet or maybe it just doesn’t work for everyone.

  12. Ryan (verified owner)

    I have got absolutely nothing out of this product. I’ll keep using it until I run out of tablets and hopefully my remaining tablets do something for me but I highly doubt it.

  13. sheetal

    I started bee pollen in January. it was good however I had some allergic reaction on face and hands. I checked with many doctors. The only new thing I started was bee pollen. I never had any allergic reactions before. I think its bee pollen. Just be cautious and read the side effects before consuming. I stopped and tried again and had similar reaction after 7 days of eating them. I have to discontinue it.

  14. Paul Toms (verified owner)

    A good friend got me onto this product and swears by it’s beneficial greatness. Due to my shady past my immune system is a bit shot. I swapped over using echinesea to Nature Bee Power Pollen and while it’s to early for long lasting results I have been around sick people and got nothing from it. I seem to wake up more vibrant and generally feel good. I’d much rather take a natural product for health and well being than what I was consuming for many years.

  15. Susan Sweeney (verified owner)

    My husband and I have been taking these capsules for many years I think we may be one of their earliest customers We very rarely get coughs and colds and feel that the capsules prevents the mid afternoon fatigue. We. certainly notice a difference if we run out of them Have recommended them to so many of our friends and they are all delighted with the results

  16. lesley smith

    i havent put in my order yet ,as i am unsure of the country in which this product is supplied from , i am in AUSTRALIA ,,but reading your promo the pollen is produced in CHINA and NEW ZEALAND ,,why not Australia ??

  17. Josh (verified owner)

    Was emailed and asked to leave a review. I didn’t notice any real change that I could say was the product and not a placebo effect. Since there is a lot of hype and the price of the product you want it to do something even if you have to trick yourself into believing its doing something. So honestly I can’t say. For you it might be different who knows. I take 2 caps once a day so burning through my one month supply. Have found other places cheaper but without any way to test don’t know if they the same quality. In my research I have found that most reputable people recommend getting granules in the caps instead of powder no idea the reason why but will have to try it. See if I notice a difference then. It is way more expensive which you think be cheaper since they don’t have to process it into the power form. I digress if you got a particular ailment that bee pollen is recommend yer give these guys a go or if you just want to try it. I don’t have anything negative to say about my experience dealing with them. But I can’t give 5 stars for something I don’t know if it did anything for me since it is a product review. but I think 3 is reasonable for quality of service since they did what I paid they to do nothing outstanding or extra to warrant 5 stars in that manner. Might buy from them again, definitely if they have a 50% off sale. I can’t see myself buying they product month tho.

  18. Michael

    GARBAGE, Save your money and spread some Manuka honey on your toast of a morning. Had zero affect and I gave it 2 months. All the rave is just in people’s heads!

  19. Garry May (verified owner)

    Only bought a months worth , and am only 2 weeks into them , I’m yet to notice any difference ,maybe there is because I’ve changed my eating habits being a truck driver as I had too or I was going to end up not very well . I’ll keep them up , see how things are after a month

  20. Christina Strelka (verified owner)

    I’ve been taking power pollen for a couple of years now and I absolutely L O V E it!

    Since starting, I instantly noticed better energy levels and I’ve hardly been sick.

    Cannot live without it now, highly recommended!

  21. Christina Strelka (verified owner)

    I’ve been taking power pollen for a couple of years now and I absolutely L O V E it!

    Since starting, I instantly noticed better energy levels and I’ve hardly been sick.

    Cannot live without it now, highly recommended!

  22. Greg Pocock (verified owner)

    Been taking it for a few months now with no change, so I won’t re order

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A truckie

“I’ve only been on this just over a week, and I’ve sailed through this week. Cognitives is absolutely great — fresher in the mind, fresher in the body. And as I said, I knock off at 5.30 and I’m still fresh. I just can’t believe it, for for somebody to drag their feet like me… mate, this is sensational.

From Stuart

“I’ve started taking this Power Pollen mate, only been taking if for 4 days now, and I will give you a little bit of something that I’ve noticed. A little bit of anxiety has gone, bit more calmer….and specially when I wake up as I only get about five or five and a half hours per day”

From Karen

It was like a caffeine hit, sudden boost of energy, but I’ve noticed its not so much of an issue if I want to get up and do something…There’s no fatigue or lethargy like there was previously, like normally I would get to 4 or 5 oclock and I’d hit a brick wall”
“I am a very stressed and exhausted nurse. I rely on Power Pollen to pull me through my shift as we all have been working extended hours due to the current health crisis. Power Pollen gets me through.”
Liz Camden, NSW
“I’m a truckie and I can’t afford to feel tried on the job, but I had no energy. My boss has been taking Nature Bee for years and I was listening to radio while driving one morning, and the penny dropped. It’s absolutely helped give me the boost I needed.”
Anthony Ryde, Sydney
“After just one week on Power Pollen I am no longer lethargic and depressed. I have much more energy and feel fantastic.”
Joe Kensington