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Getting Your Buzz Back In The Bedroom

As we cycle through different phases of our lives, we experience different stressors and age-related concerns that can impact sexual health. With global turbulence predicted for 2023, everything from feeling the pinch in the supermarket to staying on our phones too long at night can affect our bedroom activities.

Don’t despair that the year will be joyless just yet, however, as there are natural ways we can help ourselves maintain some buzz in the bedroom.

One of these is bee pollen. A powerful superfood, it has been scientifically documented and proven as a resource for general physical and sexual health in both men and women. Its nutritional properties are astounding. Bee pollen happens to be packed with all the vitamins and minerals which support a healthy sex drive and keep sexual organs in top working order – including antioxidants, vitamin E, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, rutin just to name a few.

Bee pollen benefits for males

· Bee pollen is rich in zinc. Studies¹ suggest zinc plays an important role in increasing testosterone production in men. Low testosterone has been linked to a range of sexual health issues, including lack of sex drive and erectile dysfunction.

· For men dealing with infertility challenges, the potentiation process of our bee pollen makes it more bioavailable for the maximum absorption of goodness such as antioxidants. Free radicals cause all kinds of tissue damage, including oxidative stress that affects semen quality.

· One problem that affects many men and their sexual health is prostatitis. Inflammation can lead to an enlarged prostate which causes all kinds of problems, including pain and burning that can make sex unpleasant. One flavonoid in particular, which is found readily in bee pollen, is quercetin. Interestingly, studies have suggested that quercetin plays a major role in lowering inflammation and combatting prostatitis, as well as improving pelvic pain.

Bee pollen benefits for women

· Bee pollen supports healthy blood circulation. While this is necessary for everybody to enjoy a quality sex life, blood circulation is important for women who are often coping with the additional mental load of invisible labour. Brain fog doesn’t exactly set the mood, so circulation moving oxygen to the brain is an instant energiser. Plus, in women, healthy circulation in the pelvic region reduces dryness and increases sensitivity for a more pleasurable rendezvous.

· For women suffering from the symptoms of menopause, particularly hot flushes, bee pollen can be useful in relieving some discomfort thanks to its ability to suppress oestrogen production.

· Research is being done on the links between inflammation in the brain and anxiety, with preliminary evidence² suggesting they’re closely associated. Bee pollen’s anti-inflammatory effects can help to calm this immune response, which may lessen the severity of anxiety symptoms. While much has already been said about male ‘performance anxiety,’ women also commonly experience a mental blockage in the way of reaching orgasm satisfactorily.

Too tired for sex? For both men and women, the busyness of our modern lives can be detrimental to a healthy sex life. Increased energy is one of the many benefits of taking bee pollen. B5 and B3, vitamin C, and B2 levels in bee pollen have been suggested to be comparable to levels in beef, lettuce, tomatoes and skimmed milk powder respectively. Bee pollen also contains a full complement of amino acids, essential fatty acids and important vitamins and minerals that help enhance mood and fight stress.

Finally, if you’re looking for a wilder sex life, bee pollen can also help with high altitude sickness. Joy is not on the chopping block in 2023!

¹Prasad AS, Mantzoros CS, Beck FW, Hess JW, Brewer GJ. Zinc status and serum testosterone levels of healthy adults. Nutrition. 1996 May;12(5):344-8. doi: 10.1016/s0899-9007(96)80058-x. PMID: 8875519.
²Won E, Kim YK. Neuroinflammation-Associated Alterations of the Brain as Potential Neural Biomarkers in Anxiety Disorders. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Sep 7;21(18):6546. doi: 10.3390/ijms21186546. PMID: 32906843; PMCID: PMC7555994.


3 thoughts on “Getting Your Buzz Back In The Bedroom

  1. Yvonne Harris says:

    Does NatureBee contain Vitamin B3. I have been taking 2 capsules every day for some time and keep quite healthy. I am 77 years old female. Have recently started taking TruNiagen which is Vit B3. What do you think of this

    1. Jeff Cook says:

      Hi Yvonne
      NatureBee has B3 as well as the entire B group of vitamins. Vitamin B complex is the name for the B1 B2 B3 B5 B12 group and they work together in your body.
      If you are enjoying good health you may not to take any additional supplements.
      Best regards
      Jeff Cook Founder NatureBee

  2. JIM SMITH says:

    NatureBee is an excellent product, but for me it hasnt made a difference in the bedroom,i actually dont take it for that as i didnt know it was suppose to help that way,but for energy and getting through the day its a great product….

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